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Independent journal exploring the intersections between material and digital cultures, and broader themes to do with our bodies, labour, and time.
Aims to promote discussion about how technology will reshape ideas around community action, communication, and the arts.


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Independent journal exploring the intersections between material and digital cultures, and broader themes to do with our bodies, labour, and time.
Aims to promote discussion about how technology will reshape ideas around community action, communication, and the arts.


Reading, Watching, Listening - A Plethora of Resources

Time of Publication: 12:59,  30/11/22

This week, a compiled resource list - miscellania with interconnected threads, for general perusing.

Tools and Resources for AI Art:
The most comprehensive grouping of links I have found - for videos, images, text, you name it - should be here.

A PDF of ‘Why I am Not Going to Buy a Computer’ by Wendell Barry:
Good read, sweetly naive, but also right in a lot of ways (and very wrong in others) - you could get through this in one sitting whilst in the bath.

Replicunts: The Future of Cyberfeminism - Virtual Futures 1995:
Amazing panel discussion chaired by Sadie Plant, also featuring Liana Borghi, Pat Cadigan, Gwyneth Jones, Francesca da Rimini, and Josephine Starrs. Talking cyberflesh, gender roles, margins and non linearity.

The Cyberfeminism Index:
Essential resource. Chronological database of cyberfeminist writing. A dream.

Cybernetic Serendipity Archive:
Archive of a 1968 ICA exhibition. Good sounds, pics, and an interesting look back at what we thought we might be able to achieve with computers.

David Bowen’s Plant Drone:
Plant pilots drone, enough said. Same guy that did plant machete arm.

Machine Learning Goetia:
Brief essay with some interesting takes on AI and sentience - diffusion models, memory, magic - good references within, worth a gander.

On the Implications of Outsourcing the Imagination to a Dreaming Machine:
Very pleasant read I found via the previous essay, some interesting comparisons between AI generated images and paintings. Lucidity, biomimicry, and process. Creation vs Curation, well put.