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Zgriptor is an independent journal exploring the intersections between material and digital cultures. It aims to promote discussion around themes of time, labour, technology, community action, and communication - unpacking the em(body)ment inherent in all of these topics. Dedicated to supporting the work of emerging writers and artists, the journal is published on a rolling basis online, and publishes a print edition once a year.  Born out of a desire to make academic writing and criticism accessible, the journal hopes to offer space for experimental writing.

If we want people who only have a fistful of the union jack and a love affair with WW2 as their cultural identity to change their view on Englishness, then there has to be alternative culture built up to offer people.
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Mystic Turn, Sonic Alliance

Talyn Sandhu
Time of Publication: 18/9/23 ; 14:27
The past decade has seen a proliferation in sound-based scholarship as a site for analysis, a medium for aesthetic engagement, and a model for theorization. 
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Sometimes I feel as if we are just hands in drifts of white powder.
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‘The Artwork as the dialectic between the essential impenetrability of the thing-in-itself, “the earth”, and the subjective “destiny of a historical people”;’
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“Tomb furniture achieved apparently contradictory ends, in discarding old things all while retaining them, much as in our storage warehouses, and museum deposits, and antiquarians’ storerooms.”
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Today I want to share this chapter of Hans Ulrich Obrist’s Sharp Tongues, Loose Lips, Open Eyes, Ears to the Ground.
It’s about sewage.
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This week, a compiled resource list - miscellania with interconnected threads, for general perusing.
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I sat down over zoom a few weeks ago to chat to Doron and Isabelle about their most recent exhibition ‘Bloodsport’. It turned into very long chat about tech, violence, ‘gorecore’, and contemporary artistic tendencies.
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INSTANT INFINITY was a group-exhibition about co-existing with the current state of the internet, curated by Isabelle van Manen & Doron Beuns.
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I spoke to Nate Sloan, who runs @vitruviangrimace, about memes, ownership, and meaning.
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I visited Electric Ruby through the wire.  Speaking with Phyo, I got the sense that the exhibition was a way to explore how, and through what, collective memory is created. 
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I wanted to explore the process of extracting artefacts from hyper-specific virtual experiences, and see what the process of bringing them into the physical world would look like. Could they be made tangible?
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The computer was once human. Workers hired to perform calculations - predominantly women -  bore this title until more sophisticated information technologies inherited it, giving rise to the computer as machine we understand today.
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Last Thursday I went to Corbin Shaw’s PV at Guts Gallery. It was also the inauguration of  the new Guts HQ, and it felt like the right time to share some of the thoughts I’ve been having for a while.
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My project is a Sensory Playground/Meditative Retreat located in Isle of Islay, a small rural island on the SW of Scotland.  
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ϜüΤu℞E-ϝOȿȿįĹ is a series of timeless totems made by an imaginary society, their real visage is unknown.The fossils are made of samples of physical actors that accelerate the geological Anthropocene.
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My sunburn piece of work is one my first explorations into directly shifting natural processes into a smaller scale within contrived spaces.
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Sophia is a digital artist based in London with an affinity for fractals. This post features some animations they have made on Mandelbulb as well as resources for further research.
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What is there - that thing… those things - traversing the sticky and entangled spaces between digital and physical realms? How far do their tendrils reach?

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